Ms. Shiyu Reynolds

多年学习和推广中国舞蹈, 从2007年7月至今在大都学院担任舞蹈老师和艺术指导,
教授幼儿, 少儿, 青少年和成人舞蹈, 及健身舞蹈,
编排各类舞蹈和舞蹈基训素材, 并组织和参与各类社区活动和演出.
现任大都学院校长, 也是欣华舞蹈团创办者之一, 并担任艺术指导至今.
Dance Instructor Shiyu Reynolds –
Teacher for Adult Cultural and Fitness Dance:
Studied Traditional Chinese dancing in China, she co-founded the Xinhua Chinese Dance Troupe of Ottawa in 1999 and is the artistic director of the dance troupe.
She has been a Chinese dance instructor at Daido Academy since 2007 and has been appointed as the academy's principal from 2010-2012 and 2016 - Present.
She has been teaching traditional Chinese dancing to children, youth and adults and has choreographed many traditional Chinese dances for cultural events and festivals, such as the annual Chinese New Year gala, Tulip Festivals, Winterlude, Lumiere Festivals, Asia Heritage Month, Music and Beyond, Carnival of Culture and Love of Dance; as well as charity events for hospitals and local senior residences.
Ms. Max Jiang Brown

6年广东舞蹈学校中国舞专业舞蹈训练, 华南师范大学教育学毕业,多年任教并多次担任晚会和艺术团指导老师, 来加 后一直教授中国舞, 教学经验丰富。
专长舞蹈、钢琴、音乐和舞蹈教学、健美操,曾获得全国大学生舞蹈比赛一等奖和省级健美操比赛一等奖,并多次在舞蹈大赛和健美操比赛中获得好名次, 具有丰富的舞蹈表演经验。
Dance Instructor Max Jiang Brown
– Teacher for Children and Youth Dance:
Professionally trained for 6 years at the Guangdong Provincial Dance Academy and graduated from the South China Teacher’s University, Max has a strong professional background in Chinese dancing, music and fitness
dancing, as well as teaching. She has won many awards at provincial and national dance competitions and has been teaching Chinese dancing and performing at various events since moving to Canada.

赵文卓老师, 舞蹈简历:
擅长中国民族民间舞、古典舞和芭蕾舞,20余年舞蹈学习、表演和指导经验。曾在国家级、省级舞蹈比赛中荣获一等奖。曾多次参加全国、省市文艺晚会演 出,海内外高校间文化交流演出。