儿童舞蹈 (适合5岁 – 12 岁)
重点培养孩子的基本功和形体素质,培养舞蹈兴趣,为学好成品中国舞蹈打下扎实的基本功底. 课程包括基本功训练,形体基训,舞蹈组合,循序渐进,逐渐学习成品儿童舞蹈。 有机会参加社区演出,提高孩子舞台表演能力。
Children’s Dance
(Recommended for Age 5 – 12)
Our children’s dance classes focus on building interest of Chinese dancing and music at early ages. Classes consist of training of fundamentals of Chinese dancing, and Chinese children’s dances. Students will be gradually introduced to various styles of Chinese children’s dances and also get to learn how to use traditional Chinese dancing props, such as fans, handkerchiefs and scarfs. Students will have opportunities to perform at cultural and community events which will enhance their cultural experiences and build up confidence. Students will receive a certificate at the end of each year for the successful completion of the classes
青少年舞蹈(适合13岁 – 25 岁)
适合有些舞蹈基础的青年和青少年。教学内容包括舞蹈基本功训练和形体训练, 学习各类民族舞民间舞,古典舞,当代舞。以表演成品舞蹈为主, 参加表演,增强学生舞台表演能力和自信心。
Youth Cultural Dance
(Recommended for Age 13 -25)
Our youth cultural dance is for youth who have some previous dance training and are interested to enhance their techniques with Chinese dancing. The classes consist of training of Chinese dance technique, as well as learning a rich and diverse repertoire of Chinese dances: folk, minority nationalities, classical and contemporary dances. Our classes also prepare students for performances at various cultural and community events to enhance their cultural experiences, as well as building up confidence and be good team players. Students will receive a certificate at the end of each year for the successful completion of the classes.
成人舞蹈 – 形体基训,成品舞蹈
注重形体训练, 身韵组合,舞蹈基训,舞台表演技巧,学习各种风格的成品舞蹈,民族舞,古典舞,现代舞,有机会参加各种社区演出。 欢迎对舞蹈有兴趣的成年人参加.
女子形体健身舞班 -健身娱乐
Adult Cultural Dance
(Recommended for Adults 25+)
Our adult cultural dance class is for adults who are interested in Chinese dancing. The classes consist of fundamental dance training, as well as learning of various styles of Chinese dances: folk, minority nationalities, contemporary and classical dances. Some dancing experience is preferred but not mandatory.
Adult Fitness Dance Class
(Recommended for adults 25+)
Our fitness dance class is suitable for those who like to keep active by means of dancing. The classes consist of stretch and breathing exercises and various styles of dances for fun and fitness, such as basic ballet compositions, belly dances, Chinese folk and contemporary dances, Chinese minority nationality dances. No previous dancing experience required.